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Lời bài hát
Hi, hello! How are you? I haven't been here, well, it must be years.
The place is not the same somehow.
There's a jukebox playing louder now, that wasn't here then.
Tell me, by the way, does he still look just the same?
And does he still remember me? And if you see him, won't you...
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
Give him my love and wish him well!
Don't let him know you saw me crying!
Tell him I won't be back again!
It was chance that made me pass this way.
Just say I came in for awhile and lived again our yesterdays.
Well, so long, I'll see you! You know, the world gets smaller every day.
And now, I must be leaving and so, the next time that you see him...
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
Give him my love and wish him well!
Oh... Don't let him know you saw me crying!
Tell him I won't be back again!
It was chance that made me pass this way.
Just say I came in for awhile and lived again our yesterdays.
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
The place is not the same somehow.
There's a jukebox playing louder now, that wasn't here then.
Tell me, by the way, does he still look just the same?
And does he still remember me? And if you see him, won't you...
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
Give him my love and wish him well!
Don't let him know you saw me crying!
Tell him I won't be back again!
It was chance that made me pass this way.
Just say I came in for awhile and lived again our yesterdays.
Well, so long, I'll see you! You know, the world gets smaller every day.
And now, I must be leaving and so, the next time that you see him...
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
Give him my love and wish him well!
Oh... Don't let him know you saw me crying!
Tell him I won't be back again!
It was chance that made me pass this way.
Just say I came in for awhile and lived again our yesterdays.
Please tell him that I said hello and that everything has turned out fine.
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