Sam Hunt

Break Up In A Small Town - Sam Hunt

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I knew I'd see her around
I'd be at some party, she'd show up and I'd be walking out
Or across some parking lot hiding behind her sister
I'd look up, she'd be at the red light beside me
In that white Maxima with the sticker on the back
I'd act like I didn't see her
We'd pay at the same pumps
Flip through the same stations
And slow down for the same curves
Run around with the same crowds
We just needed some time
She could get on with her life and I'd get on with mine
Thought I would be fine, heh, but maybe not
I knew she'd find a way to get over me
But I'd never thought that
She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around
But there's only so many streets, so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town
For a while I guess they were keeping it low-key
But now it's like these county lines closing in on me
I see 'em everywhere together
And it's hitting a little too close to home
She's so far gone, but she didn't go far
She was over me before the grass grew back where she used to park her car
She's leaving those same marks in someone else's yard
In someone else's arms right down the road
And I never thought that
She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around
But there's only so many streets, so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town
Your mailbox is seven minutes from mine
And I drive into town sometimes and I see you sittin' there with him
And I wanna jump out
I wanna fight
I wanna say, "F- that guy!" but I can't
'Cause it's my fault, I let her go
I never thought that
She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around
But there's only so many streets, so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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