3 Ways to Get Mainstream Publicity - Rory AJ Vaden | Podcast - Nhac.vn

3 Ways to Get Mainstream Publicity
20 Thg09, 24

When starting a new business venture or personal brand, one of the most important (and sometimes daunting) tasks is getting the right kind of media attention to promote it. Today on the Influential Personal Brand Podcast, we discuss three ways to get mainstream publicity. Tuning in, you’ll learn why you need to connect your expertise to what is happening in the news and how you can do that. We delve into the importance of “becoming the media” and learn why the media needs us just as much as we need it. We also discuss why you need to build relationships before you need them and why hard work will always pay off! Finally, you’ll hear all about Brand Builders Group's goal to shape the voices that will shape the world.

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