3 Free Powerful Strategies to Get More leads Sales with a 40% Converting Quiz Funnel with Maxwell Nee - John Lee Dumas of EOFire | Podcast - Nhac.vn

3 Free Powerful Strategies to Get More leads & Sales with a 40% Converting Quiz Funnel with Maxwell Nee
17 Thg09, 24

Maxwell Nee is the Chief Revenue Officer of ScoreApp, a Quiz Marketing Platform with 6,000 paying clients. He's also a multi-award winning entrepreneur, bodybuilder and dancer.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Quiz Funnel is a lead magnet with 7-15 questions. The reason it converts well is because it plays in the field of the customer’s emotions, self discovery and identity.

2. Podcast is the number one strategy in getting more leads.

3. Direct Messaging is definitely the most effective free sales strategy to push out your Quiz Funnel lead magnets.

Request a free physical copy of the book - ScoreApp Book


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