2277: The Daily Refresh | Quotes - Gratitude - Guided Breathing - John Lee Dumas: An Entrepreneur On Fire | Podcast - Nhac.vn

2277: The Daily Refresh | Quotes - Gratitude - Guided Breathing
30 Thg06, 24

A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.

Quote: "After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one." - Cato the Elder

Gratitude: Holidays. Any reason to celebrate is something we should be thankful for.

Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.

Visit TheDailyRefresh.com to share your unique piece of gratitude which will be featured on an upcoming episode, and make sure to watch the tutorial of how to make The Daily Refresh part of your Alexa Flash Briefings!

Call to action: If you want to take your life to the next level, check out my Free Training; 3 Hours to your big idea. In just 3 hours, you'll have THE BIG idea that you can go all in on, and the best part, the entire training is free! Visit YourBigIdea.io to start today!

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