TaTa Young,Thanh Bùi

Where Do We Go - TaTa Young, Thanh Bùi

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    Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

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    Hợp Âm Guitar
    1. So keep in me up at night. It unfamiliar round
    Feels it's like where for? It's like breaking down
    We going through the rush I'm scare you're gonna leave
    When I even saw. Right now I'm gonna speak.
    No more hiding, Break the silence now
    Do we quit or try to work things out.
    Where do we go (Where do we go from here)
    Are we ready to just give it up
    Should we turn our back on love or should we stand within
    I don't wanna let it go when i can just speak and fight for it
    Let's see good chance for love, i can't go on like this.
    Where do we go (Where do we)
    Where do we go (Where do we)
    Where do we go (Tell me)
    Where do we go from here.
    2. It will begin in where we are; I try mend our problems now
    We be looking forward instead of looking back
    I don't wanna play it safe 'cos I want across the line
    Feel just like we're standing we're run out of time.
    No more hiding, Break the silence now
    Do we quit or try to work thing out (Do we work it out).
    No more hiding, Break the silent now
    Beat night and we can work this out
    Where do we go from here?

    Bình luận

    Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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