Emmy Rossum

The Object Of My Affection - Emmy Rossum

  • Thể loại: Pop

Xin lỗi Quý khách! Bài hát bị hạ tạm thời. Mong Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau. Trân trọng cảm ơn!
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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy red
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine

There are many boys who can thrill me
And some who can chill me
But I'll just hang around
And keep acting like a clown
Until he says he's mine

Now I'm not afraid that he'll leave me
Cause he's not the kind to take a dare
But instead I trust him implicitly
He can go where he wants to go
Do what he wants to do, I sure don't care

The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy red
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine

Now I'm not afraid that he'll leave me
Cause he's not the kind to be unfair
But instead I trust him implicitly
He can go where he wants to go
Do what he wants to do, I sure don't care

The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy red
Anytime he holds my hand
Oh and tells me that he's mine, oh mine

Billy: Well it's mighty fine, Rossum. Fine enough, in fact, for one more chorus
Emmy: Ok Billy!

The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy red
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine

There are many boys who can thrill me
And some who can fill me
With dreams of happiness
But I know I'll never rest
Until he says he's mine

Now I'm not afraid that he's gonna leave me
Cause he's not the kind to take a dare
But instead I trust him implicitly
He can go where he wants to go
Do what he wants to do, I sure don't care

The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy red
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine

If after all I've said
My face is turning red
Don't start teasing, I've got a reason
The object of my affection

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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