The Barberettes

Lonesome Christmas (English Version) - The Barberettes

Xin lỗi Quý khách! Bài hát bị hạ tạm thời. Mong Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau. Trân trọng cảm ơn!
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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

Merry, merry christmas

All the lights, red and green,
on the street, start to glow
Those old Christmas song melodies,
blow slowly in the snow

Days gone by I didn’t see,
alone under a Christmas tree
So far away this Christmas

Friends of mine, one by one
they’re leaving headed home
The ones I love, long to see,
wait for me, overseas

A year gone by I didn’t see,
how I wish you were here with me
I’m so far away from home

Everyone back home they say
The snow is falling down
Places that I long for,
memories together
I’m so far from home

It’s a lonesome Christmas
It’s a lonesome Christmas
it’s a lonesome Christmas
I’m so far away,
and I don’t wanna be alone tonight

Everyone back home they say
The trees are covered in white
Faces that I long for,
so loving and so tender
But I’m so far from home

It’s a lonesome Christmas
It’s a lonesome Christmas
It’s a lonesome Christmas
I’m so far away,
and I don’t wanna be alone tonight

Lonesome Christmas
Lonesome It’s a lonesome Christmas
It’s a lonesome Christmas woo

So far away So far away
That it’s sad to say
Merry, merry Christmas

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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