Cá Hồi Hoang

Goodbye Summer - Cá Hồi Hoang

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Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

All now gather around the ring
I wonder what's happening
Oh right, "Will you marry me?"
Another wow then he's the king
It reminds me of the best kiss of all
Summer's been alone
Summer's come and gone
It's been forever since you drew the line
I don't know why
It's been forever since you walked away
But this time I say
Goodbye Summer
Here comes a wave
It'll be there forever
I'll remember always
Goodbye Summer
Here comes the Fall
So long it's over
I gotta go
So now hand in hand
I see you're with the other man
Still the way you smile
Still the blink, still the glance
It takes me to the best season of all
Summer's been alone
Summer's come and gone
My life was just black and white
You could see it in my mind
We took a long way but you walked anyway
But this time I say
And I too have a brand new sight
But another sight is going by
So this is the last time
The last time
Then I'm gonna let it go
I'm just gonna let it go

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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