Lam Trường

25 Minutes - Lam Trường

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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

After sometime
I fin'lly made up my mind she is the girl
And I really want to make her mine
I'm searching everywhere to find her again to tell her
I love her and I'm sorry about the things I've done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town
Where I didn't search she looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she's crying while she's saying this
Boy I miss your kisses
All the time but this is twenty five minutes too late
Through you're tried it so far
Boy I'm sorry you're a twenty five minutes too late
Again the wind
I'm going home again hmm wishing me back to the time when we were more than friends
But I still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town
Where I didn't search she looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she's crying while she's saying this
Boy I miss your kisses
All the time but this is twenty five minutes too late
Through you're tried it so far
Boy I'm sorry you're a twenty five minutes too late
Out in the street
Places where heart bring heart with nothing to keep inside my head
Still I can hear the words she says
Boy I miss your kisses
All the time but this is twenty five minutes too late
Through you're tried
Boy I'm sorry you're a twenty five minutes too late
Boy I miss your kisses
All the time but this is twenty five minutes too late
Through you're tried it so far
Boy I'm sorry you're a twenty five minutes too late
I can still hear her say
I can still hear her say

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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