Sara Bareilles

She Used To Be Mine - Sara Bareilles

  • Thể loại: Pop

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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

Hợp Âm Guitar
[Verse 1]
It's not simple to say
Most days I don't recognize me
With these shoes and this apron
That place and it's patrons
Have taken more than I've gave them
It's not easy to know
I'm not anything like I used be
Although it's true
I was never attention sweet center
But I still remember that girl

She's imperfect but she tries
She is good but she lies
She is hard on herself
She is broken and won't ask for help
She is messy but she's kind
She is lonely, most of the time
She is all of this, mixed up
And baked in a beautiful pie
She is gone, but she used to be mine

[Verse 2]
And it's not what I asked for
Sometimes life just slips in through a backdoor
Carves out the person and makes you believe it's all true
And now I've got you
And you're not what I asked for
If I'm honest, I know I would give it all back
For a chance to start over
And rewrite an ending or two
For the girl that I knew

[Verse 3]
Would be reckless, just enough
Who get hurt
But who learns how to toughen up, when she's bruised
And gets used by a man who can't love
And then she'll get stuck and be scared
Of the life that's inside her
Growing stronger each day
Til it finally reminds her
To fight just a little
To bring back the fire in her eyes
That's been gone, but it used to be mine
Used to be mine

She is messy, but she's kind
She is lonely, most of the time
She is all of this, mixed up, and baked in a beautiful pie
She is gone, but she used to be mine

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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