One Direction

Little Things. - One Direction

Xin lỗi Quý khách! Bài hát bị hạ tạm thời. Mong Quý khách vui lòng quay lại sau. Trân trọng cảm ơn!
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Trải nghiệm âm thanh chất lượng CD gốc với tài khoản VIP

Mã nhúng

Lời bài hát

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But i'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things
You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that i keep
Though it makes no sense to me

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
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You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
You're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things

You never love yourself half as much as i love you
You'll never treat yourself right darling but i want you to
If i let you know, i'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like i love you oh and

I've just let these little things slips out of my mouth
'Cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to
And i'm in love with you (and all these little things)

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
but if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you, and all your little things.

Bình luận

Nhạc Vàng Bolero

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